Greeter Team
Greeters will arrive early to church on Sunday mornings, wearing their CC|FAY shirts (if they'd like) and a smile. Thoughtfully look out for new comers and be able to answer questions or direct them to the right spot. In addition, making sure that each greeter has this week’s church literature to hand out to those that walk through the doors.
Commitment:1 hour; 1 Sunday a month
Team Lead: Maria Amaro

Greeters will arrive early to church on Sunday mornings, wearing their CC|FAY shirts (if they'd like) and a smile. Thoughtfully look out for new comers and be able to answer questions or direct them to the right spot. In addition, making sure that each greeter has this week’s church literature to hand out to those that walk through the doors.
Commitment:1 hour; 1 Sunday a month
Commitment:1 hour; 1 Sunday a month